A Well-Considered Plan for Technology Innovation

Leveraging technology innovations for online engagement can be enticing. Exciting new apps and social media platforms can feel like you’ve hit on the “next big thing” – “must-haves” to reach an increasingly connected audience and cause your message to go viral.  

But like most things, jumping on the latest technology bandwagon isn’t wise without a well-considered plan that first weighs initiatives and tests the process. 

To that end, we offer the following helpful excerpt on harnessing innovation from Alan George, who spent almost a decade as the Church Online Pastor at Life.Church:  

“I have learned so much from David Farmer, VP Restaurant Experience at Chick-fil-A, and his formula for the Chick-fil-A innovation process. Here’s how it goes:


Understand > Imagine > Prototype > Validate > Launch


Understand: Even before imagining, understanding your audience by doing the necessary research for the target audience is essential.

Imagine: Now that you have spent some time understanding your audience, you can consider different ideas to solve a specific problem. Don’t just come up with ideas for the sake of ideas. Ask yourself this question, “What problem am I trying to solve?”

Prototype: Next, pick a prototype. You create a quick, cheaper version of this idea that you are not emotionally tied to. Not every prototype will lead to a launch but this gives you a safe place to test out your ideas.

Validate: Do the customers love it – do they reorder, do they like it, does it taste well? Do the operators support it – are they bought in, do they see sales? Does it financially make sense?

Launch: This is when your team goes all out! Everyone is aligned and ready to move forward with the best, and most proven ideas.

Leveraging a process like the one mentioned above does not require a lot of time. The more you employ this strategy, the more your team will become increasingly agile and mobile as you create a safe place for collaboration.”

The above excerpt is from The Top Three Digital Engagement Mistakes to Avoid by Alan George.


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